Wes Montgomery’s solo on Satin Doll
There’s all kinds of great jazz licks in this one.
I could write a 10 page essay on everything that I like about this solo but I’ll just mention 4 things here:
4 Wes Montgomery Ideas
1. I especially like the first 4 bars how he plays very simple in the pocket ideas based off just minor 9th chord tone ideas.
2. The major arpeggio idea that Wes end’s the A section on is very simple but very unique.
3. The pickup approach pattern idea he plays leading into the bridge is just a wonderful connector idea to lead into a new line.
You should add that into your playing right now!
4. There’s also a great II-V-I lick on the first 4 bars of the bridge.
You can click on the solo and open it in a new browser window to print and/or study more closely.
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